What Is Love?
Alot of us are conditioned to believe that love is something external to us. Something that needs to be obtained, achieved, given or blessed with. But as many of you are beginning to realise, the love that you are seeking is something that you already hold inside of you. It is your birthright. It is the love that is bestowed upon you by the very fact that you are a speck of light, a beam of light directly from source energy. Source, The Divine, God's energy, call it what you will, but you are made of it. You are not separate from this.
For many years I had suffered from various forms of psychic attack... that is... being attacked by energies unseen to the naked eye (spirits, entities etc). I was in training with my spirit guides figuring out how to deal with this unpleasantness when I had a particularly scary experience.
In the middle of the night, I was alone in my bedroom when a particularly nasty entity appeared. I freaked out and fearfully asked aloud "Guides? Are you here?". No response. "Archangel Michael?" No response. Finally I asked, "God?". And then, a voice said back to me "I am always with you because I AM YOU".
And from that moment on I realised the immensity of my power. I instantly expanded my energy and cleared the entity away. It didn't stand a chance!
I didn't need God or anyone to save me because I am made from the very essence that God is made of. I had never previously heard God speak to me and I have not heard the voice since.
For full disclosure - I AM NOT RELIGIOUS so this was a pretty massive deal. I have not been indoctrinated or brainwashed... quite the opposite... I'm the person that used to avoid churches and felt uncomfortable at wedding ceremony's!
This story is a good example of the power that we hold within us.
Linking back to love, God's energy is PURE LOVE. Coming back to terms you may be more comfortable with, the Divine's energy is PURE LOVE.
Source is PURE LOVE.
If you're feeling lonely, afraid, unloved, unworthy, that is OK. Accept that. Say "I accept that I am lonely" etc. But then open up to the pure channel of consciousness that you can access right now, source energy.
How do you do this?
Take a moment to breathe. Go for a walk. Meditate. Be kind to strangers. Accept compliments. Give compliments. Help an animal from a path of danger. All of these things will bring you closer to source energy.
And they are accessible to you right now.
In other words - develop a spiritual practice.
You are a spiritual being having a human experience
Unconditional love is giving love without conditions. If a person is rude to you at the shops, be kind and loving anyway. Of course, set your boundaries and verbalise if they have crossed a line, but also go deeper and realise that perhaps that person has had a rough life, and that is why they were rude to you. It is not about you.
Be humble. The ego is a confusing and often talked about topic. Essentially, be aware of when you're trying to control things. To make things go 'your way' because you are right. You're not right. There are always many angles to look at a situation. Consider your angle is but one of them. We will explore this topic fully in another post.
What is love? - To Be One With The Divine
With love and hugs,
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Renee Cusworth is a Holistic Coach & Consultant specialising in helping single people attract (and keep!) a loving partner. Based in Perth, Western Australia, she offers In Person sessions at her Mount Hawthorn clinic aswell as Online to clients around the world.
Click here to read more about her services and to book a session online.