I was in a session last week and the guides strongly pushed that more people need to be aware of the various energetic shifts that are happening at the moment.
If you've seen me for a session then we have been working to shift you onto 'The New Energy', which you can read about more on my site here.
As a result of this (and relevant even if you haven't seen me!), you are impacted by planetary and astrological shifts now more than ever.
I tend to stay on top of what is going by subscribing to these newsletters, as well as speaking with my colleagues (other Healers and Practitioners) as well as clients. I can say that there is definite patterns, where we all start experiencing the same stuff at the same time.
Most recently it was anxiety and fatigue which hit us all hard.
Please find below some info on the major things that are impacting you energetically:
The New Energy:
The New Energy is the term used to describe the energy that some humans now operate within. As an individual raises their vibration/frequency by releasing what no longer serves them, their soul/energy field can now access higher realms or dimensions, and experience more joy and soul satisfaction as they move within the universal flow of life. Also called ‘The New Earth’, Rebecca Dawson is a Perth based channeller who offers some of the best information on this topic, directly channelled from three Ascended Masters. I recommend subscribing to and following Rebecca's monthly energy updates as they are very accurate: https://www.rebeccadawson.net/
The Lions Gateway:
The Lions Gateway is an annual event on the 8th of August every year. It marks the date when the Pyramid of Giza in Egypt lines up with the star system Sirius and the Sun.
From a couple of weeks prior to this date, to a couple of days after, various portals open up around the Earth which allow 'waves of light codes’ /energy to filter down and be received by the planets inhabitants. These 'waves' contain the biggest influx of new light codes for the evolution of the Earth over the next year, and so it is often referred to as the Planetary New Year.
This period is an intense time of releasing old patterns, fears, belief systems etc. Celia Fenn is based in Capetown, South Africa and has some great articles and I consider her to be a leader in this topic: http://www.starchildglobal.com/
Planetary Retrogrades, Solar and Luna Eclipses, Full Moons, New Moons, Solar Flares:
All of the above can affect the energy of earth and it’s inhabitants. In general these astrological events can trigger anxiety, fatigue, dehydration, mood swings, communication and technology issues and more. There is also alot of positive things which come out of these shifts, including helping us let go of that which no longer serves us. Right now we are right in the middle of five planets retrograding and three eclipses within the one month period! Jamie Kahl Miller is based in San Francisco, USA and has a fun monthly newsletter to stay up to date with these changes: https://www.pandoraastrology.com/
Look after yourselves and enjoy some hibernation!
With love and hugs,
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Renee Cusworth is a Holistic Coach & Consultant specialising in helping single people attract (and keep!) a loving partner. Based in Perth, Western Australia, she offers In Person sessions at her Mount Hawthorn clinic aswell as Online to clients around the world.
Click here to read more about her services and to book a session online.